Recovery is the process of healing.
I grow up in Chicago. It had a lasting impact on how I lived my life. I saw what it truly means to be unhealthy, unloved, and unhappy. I made a decision to learn the root cause and what can be done about the condition of addiction and mental illness. Today I've found that there is no problems without its solutions, There is now brain base scientific research to accurately address almost any issue. This empirical research has provided the much needed tools for recovering. This process, recovery, allows many people the opportunity to live their best life. All anyone has to do is learn HOW to recover. The Family Wellness and Recovery Center stands ready to teach,. support, and encourage this personal growth. It's a process and a lifelong journey. Please let us help by calling 757 962-9644 or set an appointment online. It's just that easy.
Gloria R. Polite
Behavioral Health Therapist